The Wayward Canine provides a safe & secure daycare environment where your dog will get plenty of mental stimulation, exercise & socialization with a variety of playmates!
Approval process: Most dogs require some sort of training in order to mesh well within our daycare pack. This is so that we can interfere appropriately if a dog is causing trouble with another playmate. Without training, it is nearly impossible to guide & help dogs learn how to properly play & interact SAFELY. Dogs will have to go through Day Camp in order to be approved for our Day Care.
We do understand that there are plenty of dogs that do not enjoy socializing with other dogs, and thats okay! Not all dogs need to make friends & forcing interaction is something we will not do as it is very unfair to that individual dog. We do offer a service for dogs like this so that they can enjoy other activities at The Wayward Canine. The service we offer for those dogs is called Fit Camp.